Honoring Lineage

Shamanism has a long history.

For more than 25,000 years, indigenous cultures around the world have sought healing in this way.

Bhakti Heart consists of many different influences that come from a variety of ancient wisdom traditions and lineages. My healing work is a direct expression of the many dedicated medicine women and men who preceded me on this path. Bhakti Heart is connected to a long history of North and South American shamanic healing practices. These lineages kept showing up and the lineages started to take over more and more who I was and the way I was living. 

I am part of those living and dynamic traditions. I celebrate and honor the traditions that have inspired me and given me the opportunity to share the magical medicine of North and South American Indigenous healing.

Andean Shamanism

I am first-generation Ecuadorian. My father, born and raised in BabaHoyo, Ecuador, immigrated to the United States at college age. We are from Tawantinsuyu, the original ancestral lands of the Incan peoples that was comprised of territories spread over parts of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The spirit of our people runs strong in my blood. It has a warrior heart and a voice from a people that have fought against racism, abuse, colonialization, and rejection. Diving into the alchemy of our people’s medicine, I began to understand the vital importance of sharing the Andean wisdom from my lineage. My first initiatory journey took place in 2007, in the Sacred Valley of Peru. From that moment on, I have been steeped in living and studying this path of ancient Andean traditions that have been around for thousands of years.

    • Shamanic Animal Journeys

    • Soul Retrieval Journey

    • Despachos

Indigenous Medicine of North America

In 2004, I began studying and apprenticing with a Lakota Medicine Man, Sun Dance Intercessor, and War Chief. During the decade of my apprenticeship, I was initiated in deeply healing and transformational rites of passage that created lasting change for me. One of my initiations included being blessed by my teacher to carry the lineage of the Sacred Pipe for the healing of ourselves, our families, our communities, and Mother Earth. 

    • Medicine Wheel & Inner Shield Work

    • Sacred Pipe Ceremony


Curanderismo is a folk healing tradition of the Southwestern United States, Latin America, and Mexico, amongst other countries. There was a particular moment where I woke up one day and felt I needed to step out. So, I went on a Vision Quest where Curanderismo found me and tracked me down. It seeped in deeper and deeper to where I wrote an email to a highly respected Curandera and requested if I could study under her. She replied that she was not taking on any more students. I was disappointed and felt deflated, but I did not abandon this thread to learn. A year later, I was informed she was going to have one last training circle. Elated, I applied and got accepted. Curanderismo works very well with me, both personally and as a healer. It has helped enhance my self-understanding as well as healing I do with others.

  • -Limpias

Bhakti Flow Yoga

Bhakti came alive for me during a pivotal time in my life. The death of my parents occurred six weeks apart and I was feeling shattered. In that space, I was longing for a love that could understand these potent transitions. I had been attending Bhakti Flow classes at a local studio. My teacher shared that they were struck by my joy of chanting and connection with “giving our practice away”. They suggested I certify as a Bhakti Flow Teacher with Rusty Wells. I found my way into the Bhakti Flow Teacher Training. On the first day of class when our teacher, Rusty Wells began chanting, my whole body woke up from the inside out. There was something about Bhakti that was so resonant and alive for me that it had me going back again and again. The Bhakti lineage that has also guided me is the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and RamDass. These teachings sparked a love that was so rooted and deep that I felt spacious again. So, my intention is to show up and share the teachings as best as I understand them.